Sandrine Berger-Douce publie un chapitre dans l’ouvrage « Contextual Heterogeneity in Entrepreneurship Research », Edward Elgar Publishing, (septembre 2021)

Sandrine Berger-Douce publie un chapitre intitulé : « Digital transition and CSR in French SMEs: managing paradoxes? » (Chapter 4, p.61-82) dans l’ouvrage collectif intitulé « Contextual Heterogeneity in Entrepreneurship Research » coordonné par Eddy Laveren, Cyrine Ben-Hafaïedh, Agnieszka Kurczewska et Yi Dragon Jiang, publié en septembre 2021 aux Editions Edward Elgar, Cheltenham (UK).
This insightful book explores the importance and influence of contextual heterogeneity in the field of entrepreneurship research, illuminating the circumstances, conditions or environments that may enable or constrain entrepreneurship.
Expert contributors present the results of empirical studies in a wide variety of contexts, describing their depth and meaning both for entrepreneurship research and practice. Chapters illustrate a range of topics and research methods, including business model innovation in start-up companies, the challenges and opportunities for women entrepreneurs in STEM, and the use of technology signalling in explaining the performance of immigrant entrepreneurship in market economies. Presenting new scientific evidence in the field, together with research-informed policy and practical implications, the book demonstrates that a multitude of research approaches must be used to reflect the multi-dimensional nature of context in entrepreneurship.
Warning against simplistic interpretations and superficial conclusions of research, this book will prove to be an invaluable resource for scholars and students of entrepreneurship. Its use of empirical studies will also be beneficial for practitioners in this field.