1529 documents

  • Constance Dumalanède, Giacomo Ciambotti, Addisu Lashitew. Addressing Health Care Inequality Through Social Franchising: The Role of Network Stewardship in Impact Intermediation. Business and Society, 2024, ⟨10.1177/00076503241255479⟩. ⟨hal-04715455⟩
  • Sophie Peillon, Nadine Dubruc, Irvine Mala. Société à mission : quelles pratiques effectives pour répondre aux enjeux climatiques ? Etude du cas de Norsys. AICC 2024, Action versus Inaction facing Climate Change. An interdisciplinary approach, Jun 2024, Strasbourg, France. ⟨hal-04613796⟩
  • Wilfrid Azan, Jacques-André Fines Schlumberger. Dépasser le débat entre solutionnisme et technologie blockchain : premières avancées et cadres théoriques en constitution. Action versus Inaction facing Climate Change. An interdisciplinary approach, Beta CNRS; AICC 2024, Jun 2024, Strasbourg, France. ⟨hal-04622358⟩
  • Stéphanie Eynaud. Identity tensions among student entrepreneurs. Gender Work and Organization, Cape Breton University’s Shannon School of Business, Jun 2024, Sydney (Nova Scotia), Canada. ⟨hal-04718276⟩
  • Paul Pasquier, Anthony Galluzzo, Laure Ambroise. Comprendre l’autonomisation de l’acteur de santé responsable : ethnographie de la consommation de médecines non conventionnelles. Gérer et Comprendre. Annales des Mines, 2024, N° 156 (2), pp.20-30. ⟨10.3917/geco1.156.0020⟩. ⟨hal-04726627⟩
  • Joseph Cagnelle, Amandine Pascal, Thibaut Metailler. The paradox theory in the digital transformation of SMEs. 32nd European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), Jun 2024, Paphos, Cyprus. ⟨hal-04567284⟩
  • Manuel Garcia, Patrick Varenne. LA PERCEPTION DIGITALE DANS LES CABINETS D’EXPERTISE-COMPTABLE. Colloque international et séminaire doctoral, Colloque organisé par l’Institut de recherche ISEOR en partenariat avec le centre Magellan, iaelyon School of Management, Université Jean Moulin, les Divisions Management Consulting et Organizational Development and Change de l’Academy of Management (États-Unis) (à confirmer), ISODC (The International Society for Organizational Development and Change) (à confirmer), Le CNAM, EADA Business School Barcelona (Espagne) ainsi que Benedictine University (États-Unis), Jun 2024, Lyon, France. ⟨halshs-04724792⟩
  • Sihem Dekhili, Aurélie Merle, Adeline Ochs. Commentary on “Look up! Five research proposals for rethinking marketing in a post-growth society”: Marketing must reflect on its own evolution in the Anthropocene epoch. Recherche et Applications en Marketing (English Edition), 2024, 39 (2), pp.113-127. ⟨10.1177/20515707241253369⟩. ⟨hal-04752658⟩
  • Jean Pfiffelmann, Chloé Guillot-Soulez, Sébastien Soulez, Patrick de Pelsmacker. The effect of green employer labels in recruitment advertising on visual attention and employer attractiveness. 40ème congrès de l’AFM, Jun 2024, Paris, France. ⟨halshs-04621752⟩
  • Rachid Achbah, Marc Fréchet, Ivana Vitanova. When things go wrong: Examining the impact of managerial narcissism, optimism and emotional stability on choosing insolvency proceedings. Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference. Technical University of Munich, Jun 2024, Munich (Allemagne), Germany. ⟨hal-04721070⟩