Rachid ACHBAH, Ivana VITANOVA, et Marc FRECHET ont publié un article dans le Journal of Business Research
Félicitations à Rachid ACHBAH, Ivana VITANOVA, et Marc FRECHET pour leur récente publication dans le Journal of Business Research (ABDC : A) avec un facteur d’impact de 11.3. Cet article explore le comportement de recherche de conseils des PDG dans les petites et moyennes entreprises, ainsi que son influence sur la gestion des difficultés financières auxquelles ces entreprises sont confrontées.
📚 Lien vers l’article complet (“Open Access”) : https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0148296324000523
This study investigates CEOs’ advice-seeking behavior in small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and its influence on managing the financial difficulties these firms face. Grounded in the attention-based view of firms, our framework posits that CEOs’ advice seeking plays a sequential role in shaping a firm’s response to financial distress, by influencing CEOs’ awareness of financial difficulties and, subsequently, the restructuring process. We differentiate between advice sought from formal and informal advisors and consider top management team (TMT) functional diversity as a moderator. We test these hypotheses using a proprietary dataset of 407 financially distressed SMEs in France. Our results indicate that advice seeking significantly enhances CEOs’ decision to proceed to restructuring and this effect is mediated by the heightened financial awareness of CEOs. Furthermore, our research highlights the moderating role of the functional diversity of TMT members in the relationship between advice seeking and the restructuring decision.