Alexis Catanzaro publie un article dans Journal of Enterprising Culture
En collaboration avec Waleed Omri (Excelia Business School), Alexis Catanzaro a publié un article intitulé « Beyond the International Entrepreneurial Orientation–International Performance Nexus: Early or Late Internationalisation of SMEs? » dans le Journal of Enterprising Culture.
Abstract :
Currently, knowledge around the role of international entrepreneurial orientation (IEO) on different types of internationalisation is limited. This study aims to unveil whether and how IEO can improve international performance by focusing on the model adopted in the internationalisation process (a traditional versus born global model). Data were collected from 221 internationalised French small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and analysed using a structural equation model. The results highlight that IEO had a significant positive effect on both international economic performance and export turnover for born globals, but not older firms. When we consider the IEO subdimensions, the findings show a stronger positive impact of both international proactiveness and innovativeness on the number of foreign markets and on export turnover for born globals. The study guides international SME managers on why and how they should adjust the IEO of their firms according to their internationalisation models to achieve superior performance internationally.